Wednesday, November 10, 2010

We No Go Gree

So there were rumors of an impending strike…ok…not the strike in itself; that part’s for real. The Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC) has locked horns with the government in its demand for a raise in national minimum wage from the current N9,500.00 and is making a ‘we-no-go-gree’ statement with a three-day warning strike which started today, Wednesday, November 10, 2010.
So, the question on my mind was not about the strike, the uncertainty was as to whether or not it would affect us at my place of work enough to yield a windfall holiday.
 As a rule, I hate to hope in vain, so I shut the possibility of a no-work-day out of my mind…till close of work yesterday. By this time I couldn’t keep up the charade about not being remotely desirous of a day to myself. I could already see how my work-free-day would play out; tossing n turning in bed till 8 am…reading my Bible hurriedly and fast-forward to the part where I select a movie and then another after another…there would be food too, plenty of food. Yep! U get the idea now, it was going to be a lazy day for Lil’ Nora, yay!!!
It’s 12:30 pm on the D-Day, and I’m sitting at my desk in the office…serves me right for breaking my no-anticipation policy! It was however not a total loss for me. I got to do the ‘tossing n turning till 8 am’ bit…the rest have been relegated to fantasy, at least for today. ‘Maybe tomorrow…

Picture source here

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