Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I love Christmas, (my boyfriend swears he has never known anyone to feel as strongly as I do about the annual event) But more than my love for Christmas, is that for MY BIRTHDAY.

Yay! It’s my birthday once again …August 17th … to me the date is almost as good as my name. I always ask people if they ever get that feeling about their dates of birth; the feeling that it is a part of their identity; the sense of connection to it that makes you turn and pay attention whenever the date is mentioned, kind of how you turn and listen whenever you hear your name or a namesake being called. So far, I’ve gotten only funny looks from the people I’ve asked. It’s either I’m asking the wrong people, or I’m one of a kind…like how I’m one of the few people who have (or admit to having) Red as a best colour. Call me a nut case, call me sentimental, I don’t care much…I LOVE MY BIRTHDAY and I ain’t ashamed!!!

I know some of you are wondering… I’m 20 and 6 years today...yes Nelly, I can hear you, I’m old. But that’s just chronologically speaking, cos in my heart, where it matters most, I don’t feel any different from how I felt 10 years ago when I clocked 16. Yes, I’m wiser and more financially responsible but I’m just as gay (no, I’m not referring to my sexual orientation) and playfully as ever.

As a child, I concluded from my observation of adults around me, that adulthood implied, amidst other things that one had to become very “serious”; that somewhere between childhood and adulthood, I’d have to give up my right to smiling a lot and laughing till I got a stitch in my side. This bothered me a lot so you can only imagine my relief at discovering that I can still be as goofy as I like at 26. Its either I have defied the rules and latched on to my “fun-side” or I got it wrong back then. If I have defied the rules, it’s probably cos I’ve been blessed with a certain level of right-attitude-to-life and to be surrounded by people who encourage fun and being myself. God bless u lot!

It’s been a wonderful year for me; a year that could be described in different ways. While some might view it with pessimism others might feel inclined to see the good that was tucked between the mishaps. I have chosen to see the glass as half filled and on its way to overflowing and as such I think it prudent to say “Thank you” to the one from whom my glass gets its fillings cos it's b His grace that I have come this far unruffled.